5 required readings for entrepreneurs

Essential manuals and books for entrepreneurs. The 5 required readings that all entrepreneurs should read.

Whether you are already an entrepreneur or if you are thinking about entrepreneurship, these books can be a good support to organize your ideas, learn about good and bad practices, motivate you to take the big step... Manuals and books that will help you clarify concepts and learn a little more about the entrepreneurial universe. This is our selection:

  1. “The Entrepreneur's Black Book” by Fernando Trías de Bes

Fernando Trías de Bes, author recognized for other titles such as “The man who changed his house for a tulip”, narrates in his work “The Black Book of the Entrepreneur” the most realistic and crude part of the entrepreneur's daily life, making visible the most common mistakes when deciding to start your own business. Trías de Bes intends to explain the Causes of entrepreneurial failure throughout this manual, identifying the key factors that lead to it and envisioning the basic traits that every good entrepreneur must have, where motivation and talent are the main hallmarks.

  1. “The Art of Starting” by Guy Kawasaki

Written by one of the most recognized entrepreneurs in the world, Guy Kawasaki, “The Art of Getting Started” will engage and motivate you from the first page. This is a book that will give you a lot of desire to undertake, new ideas, sales tips and it will make you aware of the importance of having a good team to carry out entrepreneurial projects. Guy Kwasaki specializes in new technologies and marketing and has other very interesting publications such as “The Art of Captivating”, “How to Drive Your Competitors Crazy” and “Rules for Revolutionaries”.

  1. “The Lean Startup Method” by Eric Ries

Eric Ries explains in the manual “The Lean Startup Method” how to create successful companies using the “continuous innovation” and “Lean Startup” model that is based on eliminating inefficient practices and focusing on producing products or services that please the market. To make this possible, we must constantly measure the degree of acceptance of the products/services we offer and make the necessary implementations and improvements to our project. These will be carried out quickly since mass manufacturing has not yet been addressed nor is the investment made too large.

  1. “Manual Thinking” by Luki Huber and Gerrit Jan Veldman

If you are still in the ideation and organization phase of concepts in your head, Manual Thinking may be a good read for you. This is a book that explains a simple method for generating ideas, sorting, discarding and making decisions. The system that explains the manual is committed to teamwork and innovation. It is represented by maps of labels with ideas and drawings, a very visual and attractive way of ordering our thoughts so that we can “go down to the ground” and start working with them.

  1. “Everything is to be done” by Pau Garcia-Milà

If you are looking for an optimistic and educational reading about first steps to take from the moment we come up with an idea until we assess its viability, “Everything is to be done” can serve as a springboard to the entrepreneurial world.