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External CFO

Through a personalized collaboration, you will have an external Financial Director who will join the team as another member and with him you will be able to optimize all your financial processes.

From our External CFO service, we have been able to help more than 50 startups:

- Optimizing your financial processes and improving your image for obtaining funding.

- Completely reducing the time spent on financial tasks in the company.

-Exploiting the full potential of your product or service so that it acquires a leading position in your market.

Ponemos a tu disposición un servicio de CFO externo especializado en startups innovadoras.
Our Role
At Intelectium, we are aware that, at present, CEOs of startups spend a large part of their time on administrative and financial tasks that do not bring them any kind of benefit.

That's why, from our exclusive external CFO service, we cover all the financial and administrative tasks of your startup, making us your trusted partner, so you can invest your time in what you really need.

We have a team with more than 25 years of experience in technology companies, able to detect areas for improvement in your startup and provide you with proactive support in all those situations that require it.

Desde nuestro servicio de CFO externo, creamos de 0 el business plan para presentar a inversores, proveemos de un listado de inversores que puedan encajar mejor con el proyecto, acompañamos a los emprendedores a las reuniones con inversores para poder respaldar y defender la parte financiera.

Y más allá de toda la ayuda en el momento de la ronda de inversión, ofrecemos a los emprendedores una persona de confianza que les da visibilidad de la situación financiera de la compañía en todo momento, controla la entrada y salida de capital, el flujo de caja, para poder tomar decisiones mucho más precisas y preveer necesidades de capital con el tiempo suficiente.
How do we help you?

Onboarding and development of Business Plan and Financial Reporting Dashboard.


Study of the accounting and financial processes that are already underway in the company. Recommendation for automation and improvement of accounting and financial processes.


Funding plan. Coordination and support during the process of seeking and requesting private, banking and public funding.


Monitoring and reporting of all key indicators, assuming the leading role that corresponds to the CFO in the company's daily life.

Why us?
We are strongly committed to talent and train our consultants to work with high professional standards, rigor and anticipation of problems that may arise.
Quality and customization
We are deeply involved with the startups we work with and we prioritize quality over quantity. We work by putting the interests of our clients ahead of our own, always.
We are the consultancy firm specialized in startups with the most experience and experience in Spain. We were born 18 years ago and we have advised and helped to finance more than 400 startups.
Holistic Approach
We know perfectly well and cover all the financial areas that a startup needs to master in order to grow properly through our external CFO service, advanced management, request and obtaining public, private and banking funding and specialized training. In addition, we have the most extensive network of contacts with investment funds, business angels and corporate and alternative investors, through the more than 50 investments in startups that we have made throughout our history.

Our Services

Business planning
Advantages of having an External CFO
Recurring services
Including regular delivery of detailed monthly reports and ongoing support available to address any financial needs that may arise in the day-to-day running of the company.
Improve your image
On issues as sensitive as your financial situation and increase trust with your clients, investors and other stakeholders.
Services that adapt to your needs and your growth rate, guaranteeing effective collaboration and optimal results over time.
Cost effectiveness
An investment that will allow you to free up resources and time that can be reinvested in key areas of business growth and development that generate value for you company.

We work with 3 collaboration plans

Value Accounting

Management service specialized in top-tier technological startups, supervised by financial analysts experienced in the finance of technological startups.

  • Accounting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Taxation and taxation
  • All your company's work issues


External CFO service designed for companies that are not yet invested in a venture capital firm or that have not yet raised more than €1.0 million in funding.

  • Financial planning
  • Accounting oversight
  • Reporting
  • Colaboración en las siguientes rondas de financiación


External CFO service designed for companies that are invested by a Venture Capital company or that have raised more than €1.0 million in funding.

  • Financial planning
  • Accounting oversight
  • Definition and implementation of financial business processes
  • Specialized reporting
  • Attendance at Council meetings
  • Collaboration in the following funding rounds
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