Learn to validate your business ideas

To validate your business ideas, Workshop by Patricio Hunt, managing partner of Intelectium, will be held on March 12 at ESADE Barcelona. In this session, Patricio will teach attendees to equip themselves with the necessary competencies to validate business ideas that are still in their original phase.

After a few years of maturation, the entrepreneurial sector is already beginning to understand that ideas, by themselves, do not make new companies work. The debate about whether the idea or the execution is more important seems to have ended. Of course, both aspects influence the creation of disruptive companies, but execution is essential: we must seek business models that solve relevant problems in the market. But, once an entrepreneur identifies possible lines of business, either within his company or creating another one, how should he interpret the data he has? How do you make sure that what you want to do solves relevant problems? And, of course, how do you prepare that idea to present it to investors? These will be the topics addressed in the workshop Validation of business ideas, that Patrick Hunt, managing partner of Intelectium, will teach next March 12 at ESADE Barcelona. In this session, Patricio will teach attendees to equip themselves with the necessary competencies to validate business ideas that are still in their original phase. And, thus, to be able to analyze their potential, viability and attractiveness for investors. Starting new projects is always risky. But this risk can be minimized if we use a practical, structured and rigorous methodology that takes into account all the factors that influence that business sector, including the conviction of investors, which is vital, because they are often the entrepreneur's first clients. The workshop will be divided into three fundamental activities: - Development of a Teaser- Presentation of the business idea- Improvement of the business idea and the teaser The session will take place in ESADE (Building 3. Av. Esplugues, 92-96 Barcelona), on Tuesday March 12, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. For more information: entrepreneurship@alumni.esade.edu