What are the main reasons that motivate us to undertake?

What are the main reasons that motivate us to undertake? We'll tell you the 5 main reasons to start a business.

From the romantic idea of “wanting to change the world” to the more realistic one; “wanting to work for ourselves”, there are countless reasons and motivations that lead us to want to undertake. Although the combination of several of these reasons is often the formula that definitely leads us to this, there is always one that predominates. Below we make a selection of the 5 Main reasons for wanting to start a businessDo you identify with any of them?

1. I don't want to have a boss

Working for oneself, independently, is one of the most common and understandable reasons that lead us to want to undertake. Having greater flexibility in terms of hours and where to work from is especially attractive to those with family responsibilities or other limitations. In addition, the idea that all the benefits we obtain through our work are “complete” for us attracts a lot of attention. However, we must not forget that having all that freedom and independence, in turn generates many responsibilities, since being entrepreneurs and owners of our own business we will have to face both benefits and payments or losses.

2. I have an innovative idea that will change the world

According to Manuel de Castillo, a professional with more than 20 years of experience in the business management sector, he defines entrepreneurship as the “development of our ideas according to our own guidelines”, when we have an innovative idea that we believe will add value to society and contribute to its development and well-being, it is quite possible that we will jump headlong into trying to materialize that idea. If you have a very clear passion for a product, service or idea, entrepreneurship is the main way that will allow you to share it with the world and to solve problems or improve people's lives.

3. I am stuck and I need to keep growing both professionally and personally

Working routinely, without motivations, without goals... becomes quite the opposite when you decide to start a business. When you are an entrepreneur, you become passionate about your idea and, therefore, you do not lack motivation or desire to work on carrying it forward. Every day is a challenge and a personal satisfaction, overcoming difficulties, proving to yourself your worth and perseverance. In short, entrepreneurship is a personal challenge that allows you to test your skills and overcome challenges every day. In this way, we experience constant and rapid growth both personally and professionally. At this point, it also comes into play when we want to value the knowledge and experience we have in a specific sector, in which we are very involved and believe that we can provide more value. Entrepreneurs who develop business ideas based on their own experiences and knowledge have a much better chance of succeeding, since knowledge of the market in which your project is integrated, in addition to the public and competition, adds many points in your favor.

4. I can manage to form a perfect team

As we have already mentioned in past articles, entrepreneurship alone is usually not recommended. To start a startup with a higher chance of success, according to our experience, a multidisciplinary team consisting of at least 2 or 3 people with different profiles is required: technicians, product or sector specialists and digital marketing specialists. In this sense, many times throughout our lives and professional careers we encounter people with whom we form incredible teams and together with whom we consider that we can carry out projects with a lot of potential. Here comes another of those reasons that may lead us to want to undertake, if we have a good quality human team, we have a lot gained to succeed in carrying out an entrepreneurial project. In addition, entrepreneurship implies having the opportunity to create employment and contribute to the economic development of society.

5. I want to learn from others to improve

Through startups, it is the best way to quickly access a lot of knowledge and experiences, wanting to learn both from the team and from the customers, it can be another important reason that leads us to want to undertake. The typical phrase that is heard a lot in the entrepreneurial sector of “I learned more working for a month in a startup than working for five in a company”, even if it sounds like a cliché, is perfectly true. Working in a startup gives you 360 knowledge of the market and business.

More:Is my business idea feasible?7 steps to create a startup and be successful