Funding for startups and SMEs in Murcia 2024: Main financial institutions and the grants they offer

Funding for startups and SMEs based in the Region of Murcia: Main financial institutions and the main grants they offer.

Do you know which are the main financial institutions that promote the creation of entrepreneurship and innovation projects in the Region of Murcia?

Below you will find information about the main existing lines of funding, for startups and SMEs in Murcia, and their main characteristics.

2021 Regional Incentives

Support for industrial and hotel companies in carrying out investment projects.

For the encouragement of business projects that reduce differences in economic situation in the national territory.

Type of funding: Non-competitive grants with a maximum intensity of 25, 35 and 45% for large, medium and small companies, respectively. —Beneficiaries: Commercial companies based in the Region of Murcia that carry out industrial investment projects, tourist accommodation or complementary facilities that involve the opening of new establishments or the creation and maintenance of employment. —Main requirements: The projects submitted must be technically, economically and financially feasible. On the other hand, projects must represent a minimum investment for the company of 900,000€ . —Deadlines for submitting applications: Open call.

Institute for Development of the Region of Murcia

Línea EmprendiaTo encourage the growth and consolidation of innovative companies or companies with newly created innovative projects that promote economic development and job creation.

Type of funding: Participatory loans under non-competitive conditions of between 25,000 and 300,000€ . —Beneficiaries: SMEs based in the Region of Murcia. —Main requirements: Beneficiary companies, based in the Region of Murcia, must be less than 5 years old and submit a business plan that includes carrying out innovative or innovative projects. —Deadlines for submitting applications: From 28/04/2021 to 31/12/2021.

Regional Employment and Training Service

Grants for the Promotion of Self-Employment -Zero Fee- For young people benefiting from the National Youth Guarantee System and the long-term unemployed.

Type of funding: Grants with a maximum of between 2,000 and 3,500 for “Aid to the initial establishment of the self-employed worker”. The subsidies for the maintenance of the activity will correspond to the financing of the payment of Social Security contributions under the Special Scheme for Self-Employed or Self-Employed Workers (Zero Contribution), for a maximum period of two years. —Beneficiaries: Individuals, under 30 years of age, beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System. —Main requirements: Beneficiaries must carry out an economic activity in the Region of Murcia on their own full time. —Deadline for submitting applications: 02/11/2021.

Creation and promotion of employment and self-employment 2021.

For the creation and promotion of employment and self-employment in the municipality of Murcia.

Type of funding: Grants of between 2,500 and 6,000€, depending on the type of working day and the type of hiring. —Beneficiaries: SMEs and microSMEs belonging to social economy companies, commercial companies, non-profit entities and insertion companies. For the self-employment modality, the beneficiaries will be those individuals who join social economy companies, whose incorporation requires registration in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers. —Main requirements: Formalized contracts and registrations with RETA must have a minimum duration of 12 months, and have been made between 17/11/2021 and 31/08/2021. —Deadline for submitting applications: 10/09/2021.

Institute for Development of the Region of Murcia

Grants for energy efficiency actions in SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector.

To encourage and promote actions that reduce carbon dioxide emissions and final energy consumption—Type of funding: Grants of up to 3,000,000€ . —Beneficiaries: SMEs or large companies in the industrial sector and energy services companies with tax headquarters in the Region of Murcia. —Main requirements: Energy savings and efficiency actions should be aimed at improving technology in industrial equipment and processes or the implementation of energy management systems. —Deadline for submitting applications: 30/06/2021.

Ministry for the ecological transition and the demographic challenge.

Grants aimed at employment-generating business projects that promote the alternative development of coal mining areas. To encourage the generation of alternative economic activities to coal mining, which favor the creation of new jobs or the maintenance of existing ones.

Type of funding: Grants with a maximum amount of 2,000,000€ for the 2021 financial year. —Beneficiaries: Individuals or legal entities. —Main requirements: Energy savings and efficiency actions should be aimed at improving technology in industrial equipment and processes or the implementation of energy management systems. —Deadline for submitting applications: 16/06/2021.

Business, Industry and Spokesperson Counseling

Incentive Program for Efficient and Sustainable Mobility (Moves II Program). To contribute to the decarbonization of the transport sector by promoting alternative energies.

Type of funding: The Region of Murcia has total funds of 3,000,000€ for the call to be distributed, in the form of direct grants, among the different eligible actions (purchase of alternative energy vehicles, implementation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, implementation of electric bicycle loan systems and implementation of sustainable mobility measures at work) . —Beneficiaries: Individuals, communities of owners, legal entities, local entities, autonomous bodies of the Autonomous Community of the region of Murcia and the public universities dependent on it. —Deadlines for submitting applications: Open

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